Updated on 27.09.2022

Publication Criteria

  1. Authors declared that the manuscript has not been published (in part or full) before or is not under consideration for publication elsewhere (except as an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis). Manuscripts deposited in preprint servers, like arXiv, published in an institutional repository or presented at a conference (with significant modification and proper citation of the conference paper) will be considered for publication if so suggested by reviewers and accepted by the editor.
  2. Submission of a manuscript to any of our journals indicates that the authors have agreed to grant the publishing license of the article to the journal.
  3. By submission, all authors have approved the journal to publish the article, and we will not welcome author disputes related to the choice of a journal.
  4. Authors assure the journal that all legal documents, including but not limited to institutional approval and licenses, have been obtained before submission.
  5. Accepted manuscripts or published papers will not be submitted for publication elsewhere in any form or language, English or other languages, without the written approval of the copyright holder.
  6. Articles published in another language and translated to English will be considered for review. The abstract should include the consent letter of the journal that first publish the study, and a copy of the letter is submitted with the manuscript.
  7. Authors are sure that all materials presented as part of the article comply with existing copyrights or the rights of a third party.
  8. Author(s) retain the copyright of all papers published in any Glintplus journals that operate open access system as per the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). However, the authors should protect the integrity of the article. Likewise, authors should mandatorily ensure that submitting the manuscript to a journal would not breach any contract, confidence or commitment given to secrecy.
  9. Authors of any manuscript that seems to replicate or be closely similar to previously published work will be required to provide scientific justification for their work and to reference and discuss the existing literature. However, if the response is inadequate, the manuscript may be rejected.
  10. Glintplus journals publish articles written in English, only, and the language and presentations must be clear, correct, and unambiguous.
  11. The research must meet all applicable standards and ethics of experimentation, as well as research integrity, at all stages of the study.

Online Publication Model and Reprints

All publications proceed online, and a reprint will be provided only on request. Please note that the ‘Reprint Charge’ (RC) is separate from the Article Processing Fee (APF). In the case of the reprint, contact the editorial office by e-mail via reprint@glintplus.com, indicating the number of copies and delivery address, and an invoice will be made available within 48 hours.

Agreement for Authorship

Submission of a paper to our journals indicates that the author(s) agreed on the content of the paper. The authors have designated one author as the corresponding author to handle correspondence concerning the article during and after publication. In case of a change of authorship before publishing an accepted manuscript, appeals to add or remove an author, or to rearrange the author names, must be sent to the editor-in-chief or the managing editor by the corresponding author of the manuscript stating the reason(s) for such request. Confirmation evidence (e-mail, letter) from all authors that they agree with the decision must be attached to the solicitation. Publication of the concerned manuscript will be suspended until authorship is resolved. In the case of post-publication, the process noted above must be followed, and the article will result in a corrigendum.


Firstly, an editor (editor-in-chief in most cases) will assess any submission for suitability. An editor that co-authored a manuscript, or express competing interests in a manuscript, will not handle the review process of the submission. A potentially suitable manuscript will be sent to independent experts identified by the Handling editor to check the scientific and language quality and the arrangement of the paper. The editor makes the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of articles, based on the recommendations by reviewers, and the corresponding author will be promptly informed.

Double-blind review

Some journals operate a double-blind review process. During the review, both authors and reviewers will not know their identities to ensure an unbiased evaluation. Due to this review method, authors are to submit TWO copies of the manuscript to the journals. In one of the manuscript documents, remove names and affiliations of the authors, as well as the document properties and personal information, and upload as “Manuscript without Author Details”.

Open peer review

In the open peer review process, the authors are privileged to know the name of the reviewers from the peer review reports. Besides, we will publish the article with the reviewers’ reports that has the names of the reviewers, if the manuscript is accepted. By implication, the reviewers and the authors’ know their identities; however, there should not be a direct correspondence between them, and in case of necessity, it must be through the handling editor or editor-in-chief.

Transparent peer review

The transparent peer review process follows the process described under the open peer review process, and the difference is that the names of the reviewers are not included in the reviewers’ reports.

Suggestion of reviewers

Authors may need to suggest at least two reviewers at submission by providing personal and contact information, like names, addresses and e-mail addresses of the reviewers. The suggested reviewers must be from the same field of study, not from the same institution or department and not present or previous research guide of any of the authors, not collaborated with any of the authors in the recent time. The editorial team will decide the suitability of the suggested reviewers.

Selection of reviewer

Selecting suitably qualified reviewers is critical to Glintplus and her journals. Among many factors considered for selecting peer reviewers, expertise evident from published articles in the same field in reputed journals, affiliation, and reputation most important. Review invitation is sent to proposed reviewers, requesting for their approval within a stipulated time.

Review process flow

Generally, Glintplus is committed to a fast, effective and efficient editorial process and publication. Reviewers can request for extra time but should be promptly communicated to the handling editor so that we can notify the authors accordingly and seek alternatives, where required.

The handling editor receives the reports from the reviewers, reviews them and decide to continue to next stage or reject the manuscript. In case of continuation, the reviewers’ reports are sent to authors for adjustments. The second round of review process may be initiated in case of major revision, especially if design and results are greatly affected. Authors should submit the revised manuscript within two weeks in case of minor corrections and a maximum of four weeks where major revision and additional experiment or analysis are required. Authors are requested to fill ‘review comment form’, and submit along with the revised manuscript, as it helps the editorial board to make the final decision.

Guidelines for Peer-Review Process

  1. Glintplus journals prohibit plagiarism or any other forms of illegal duplication other studies. If you suspect any misconducts, maybe the editor did not detect them at the preliminary assessment of the manuscript, kindly report it and provide evidence.
  2. Some of our journals publish previously validated methodology, with or without modification, that provides a new set of data. Also, studies that reconfirm already published method or design or results but with a new data-set and significant improvements on the introduction and discussion sections may be considered. However, a ‘clear declaration’ of the purpose of the study should be included in the article.
  3. Glintplus believes that journals should not reject a manuscript because it is a repetition of a method on a different set of samples with a different data-set, which some publishers referred to as ‘Lack of Novelty’. They should base their judgement on innovation, sound scientific practices, robustness and technicality of the manuscript.
  4. The introduction should be brief, and the reference should be recent. The objective of the study must be clearly stated and should present a relationship the present research has with previous ones and/or what is yet to be covered.
  5. Critically check if the materials and methods suitable in relations to the standard procedures by regulating agencies and learned societies, as well as methods already validated. Also, check if the procedures are described holistically without ambiguity so that other researchers can repeat the methods. Procurement of materials and chemicals (including standards), where applicable, should be mentioned, stating the suppliers and their addresses, reference details of the materials, among others. Working conditions of the instrument, where used, should be detailed, also. All the necessary statistical tools should be mentioned in this section.
  6. Kindly ensure that they properly present the results and discussion section, having the following in focus:
    • data are well controlled and interpreted. Tables and figures are adequately used, ensuring that data presented in a table are not duplicated in a figure;
    • data from tables and figures are exhaustively discussed, and relevant and current references are cited;
    • discussion and conclusions are based on facts, figures and statistics, avoiding biased claims.
  1. The conclusion should be based on the findings, and it must present critical opinion with a possible opening for a further study. They should not introduce new data in this section, and authors should not oversell data in their claims, as well.
  2. Please ensure that they list every in-text citations in the reference section and vice versa. Also, check if the references follow the American Psychological Association (APA) reference style.
  3. Glintplus believes in constructive criticism; hence, reviewers are encouraged to be honest and avoid potentially offensive statements. Sufficiently-informative comments that will enable authors improving the quality of their manuscript and enhancing the chances of acceptance are encouraged. Negative but non-abusive comments should point out the weakness of the study. This will enlighten the authors the basis of the rejection.
  4. Reviewers’ comments are critical factors informing decisions of the editorial Team in academic publications; therefore, authors should ultimately treat all suggestions of reviewers and rebut where necessary. Also, authors should not confuse straightforward and genuine comments with unfair criticism.
  5. If authors are not satisfied with the rejection decision of any articles, the corresponding author may file an appeal to the editor-in-chief by e-mail, using “Rejection Appeal” as the subject and quote manuscript reference number. Authors should provide reasons for the request and responses to the reviewers’ and/or editor’s comments before it can be treated. editorial board will reply to the authors, which can be a rejection of appeal or intention to initiate an appeal process, within one week. The board will decide and communicate with the authors within three weeks. Do not re-appeal or re-submit a manuscript with a rejection of an appeal.


Authors may withdraw their submission at any point throughout the manuscript review and production stages, as well as after publication, according to the conditions outlined below.

Submission (Editor’s scrutiny) Stage

For the first 48-72 hours (sometimes more) following submission, our editors review all submissions for scope fitting, originality, quality, and level of adaption to our author’s guide. To withdraw at this point, send an email to the journal’s official email (acronym_of_journal@glintplus.com), copy me@glintplus.com, and specify your reason(s) for withdrawal; we will respond within 72 hours. Withdrawal is free at this stage.

Reviewing stage

Withdrawal at this point requires a letter signed by ALL authors to the editor-in-chief. Send the letter to the journal’s official email (acronym_of_journal@glintplus.com) with a copy to me@glintplus.com. We will contact the reviewers and respond to the writers within two weeks. At this point, withdrawal is completely free.

After acceptance

Withdrawing at an advanced stage of the editorial process when peer reviews are completed is inappropriate unless there are compelling grounds. A letter to the editor-in-chief requesting a withdrawal must be signed by ALL authors and the head of the corresponding author’s institution, department, or full professor. Copy me@glintplus.com and send the letter to the journal’s official email address (acronym_of_journal@glintplus.com). Within two weeks, we will get in touch with the authors. At this point, withdrawal is completely free.

Production Stage

Withdrawing at an advanced stage of the editorial process proof is being produced is improper unless there are strong reasons. At this phase, ALL authors and the head of the corresponding author’s institution, department, or full professor must sign a letter to the editor-in-chief seeking withdrawal. Send the letter to the journal’s official email address (acronym_of_journal@glintplus.com) with a copy to me@glintplus.com. Withdrawal charges of 15% of the journal’s article publication fee (APF) are charged.

Published article

Withdrawal of published (made available online on our website and other repository sites) articles is discouraged unless there are reasonable grounds. At this point, ALL authors, as well as the head of the corresponding author’s institution, department, or full professor (contact details required), must sign a letter of withdrawal to the editor-in-chief. Send the letter to the journal’s official email address (journal@glintplus.com) and copy me@glintplus.com. It should be noted that any article publishing fees paid will not be returned. To facilitate contact with the repository organization and other processes, a withdrawal handling fee of 30% of the journal’s article publication fee (APF) is levied.


Misconduct is on the rise in academic society, today, and Glintplus addresses all allegations of potential misconduct with all seriousness. Glintplus journals, therefore, follow the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines on misconduct. Inappropriate/unethical research approach, data falsification and fabrication, plagiarism, among others are potential research and publication misconducts identified by Glintplus. Misconduct cases may be spotted before and after the publication of articles. See our Plagiarism and Correction and Retraction Policies for more information.


Glintplus journals treat issues relating to plagiarism following policy statements outlined below, and guidelines by COPE. In the editor’s preliminary assessment of the manuscript for the suitability, plagiarism check software are used, and if the manuscript returns ‘suspected minor plagiarism’, the handling editor continues the review process.  We believe that the plagiarism check result should be combined with human judgment before making a decision.

Plagiarism is using or copying others’ work, which may include data, texts, ideas and the likes without acknowledging or attributing or with misattributing the sources. Paraphrasing and/or summarizing others studies without properly giving credit to the authors is also plagiarism and Glintplus frown at it.

Self-plagiarism is recycling text, in whole or part, from previous publications without proper acknowledgement of the sources, and this is completely discouraged. The act of substantially reuse of part or whole of ones’ work, published or unpublished, without appropriate references or licenses is a duplication of publication. Duplication of publication ranges from publishing an identical article in multiple journals, to ‘salami-slicing’, where authors unethically divide data to prepare many manuscripts or add small amounts of new data to a previously published paper.

If plagiarism becomes evident after publication, a letter would be immediately sent to all the authors, their affiliated institutions and funding agencies, if applied. Subsequently, the original paper may be corrected or retracted depending on the degree of plagiarism, the context within the published article and the impact it has on the overall integrity of the published study.

Sometimes, minor plagiarism without dishonest intent occurs, like when an author reuses parts of an introduction from the published paper. The editor contact authors for clarification, and the editorial board decides the fate of such submission based on the authors’ response and/or actions.

Authors can further broaden their understanding of plagiarism related issues within scientific communities from the following links:

  1. http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/library/researchers/plagiarismdetection;
  2. https://www.elsevier.com/editors/perk/plagiarism-complaints;
  3. http://www.nature.com/authors/policies/plagiarism.html;
  4. http://www.artjohnson.umd.edu/bioe/Threshold-for-Plagiarism.pdf;
  5. http://www.zju.edu.cn/jzus/download/editorpapers/SCIMsurvey.pdf;
  6. The Complete Guide to Referencing & Avoiding Plagiarism.


Generally, Glintplus is committed to spotting the known and/or potential misconduct in research and publication of articles owing to our rigorous editorial processes and commitment to only publish articles that upheld the integrity of the academic record. However, on rare occasions, it may be necessary for us to publish corrections to, or retractions of, published papers in our journals.

The editorial board will investigate the situation following the guidelines by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and publishes a note, correction or retraction, evident from the investigation which will be linked in duplex to the original articles, keeping the original paper online with some inscriptions. If leaving such paper online could violate any rights or damage reputation of any parties, other than that of the authors, the materials will be deleted, from our website and archive sites.


In a situation where the investigation of misconducts in a published article suggests minor changes that affect the interpretation and conclusion of the study but do not invalidate the research, the editorial Board may recommend correction of the paper and be corrected.


Rarely, if the interpretation or conclusion of an article is significantly affected, the affected (published) articles may, necessarily, be retracted. Glintplus journals, through the editorial Board, will communicate the decision to all parties: authors, institutions, readers, etc. The article will be watermarked as retracted and the title will be amended with the prefix “Retracted article:”.

For any queries or further clarifications, contact the editorial Office through help@glintplus.com.

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