Garri processors and marketers’ knowledge of Lassa fever safety practices in Edo State, Nigeria
Lassa fever, Garri, Knowledge, Binary logisticsAbstract
The study was conducted to examine the knowledge of Lassa fever safety practices among garri processors and marketers in Edo State, Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select 224 marketers and 192 processors, using a structured questionnaire and interview schedule. Data collected were described with the use of frequency counts, mean, and percentages while binary logistic regression was used to identify determinants of knowledge of safety practices and made some inferences. Results showed that regular elimination of rats (54.0% and 54.7%) and maintenance of personal hygiene (53.1% and 89.6%) were the safety practices highly known by the marketers and processors of garri, respectively and the overall level of knowledge of Lassa fever safety practices among respondents was rated low with 63.6% and 54.5%, of marketers and processors, respectively. It was established that age (wald = 4.720), marketing experience (wald = 4.288), level of education (wald = 2.512), household size (wald = 3.052) and income from garri (wald = 3.237) were the significant determinants of the level of knowledge among garri marketers while marital status (wald = 4.464) and income (wald = 3.483) significantly determined the knowledge level of the processors. The findings conclude that both garri marketers and processors recorded a low level of knowledge of Lassa fever safety practices in the study area. It is, therefore, recommended that intense publicity and campaigns against Lassa fever should be carried out for processors and marketers of garri in the study area. This will sustainably reduce the spread of Lassa fever by the stakeholders in the Ministry of Health and other allied ministries and agencies to sustainably control the outbreak of this disease.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ododo Bukola Izekor, Iyere Anna Kenneth, Gbenga Festus Koledoye

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