Article Processing Fee

As an Open Access Journal, authors of an accepted paper are to make a one-time payment (OTP) of an article processing fee of $70. This fee covers all the processing costs including, but not limited to, peer review, copyediting, production of publishable files, online publishing and archiving of the articles. APF does not cover submission charges as submission to JAAB is free of cost. Manuscript with Tables, figures and plates combined that is more than 18 A4 pages will be charged an extra fee.

Discount and Waiver Policy

Nigerian authors will be eligible for a flat discounted APF of N30,000.00. OUJAS offer a discount of 25% on APF to articles whose corresponding authors are based in countries classified by the World Bank as low-income and lower-middle-income economies as of July 2020. A partial or total waiver may be granted to an article singly authored by PhD students. Please apply for a discount or waiver during the submission process, and a decision on the waiver will be made, under normal situations, within two working days. Discount or waiver requests made during the review process or after acceptance may not be considered.

Payment Methods

APF is paid through (1) Remita (2) Sterling Bank Nigeria Plc (3) PayPal. More details will be made available after a manuscript is accepted.